Urban Agriculture: Ideas and Designs for the New Food Revolution
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Urban Agriculture: Ideas and Designs for the New Food Revolution offers anyone from a beginner to a green-thumb tips and inspiration to grow more food where it counts – at home. Starting with simple windowsill set-ups for herbs and sprouts, it progresses with each chapter to bigger and better home-grown farms.
Author, activist and scientists Dr. Vandana Shiva called it, “a road map to food security, to our reconnecting to the soil and the earth, even in cities, and to reclaiming our humanity as cultivators of community while we cultivate food.”
Tracey takes urban agriculture beyond just an idea and presents a lifestyle. Tracey’s excitement and passion for urban agriculture is evident in this book. The commentary was personable and the anecdotes give the book better context. It is refreshing to not only read about the importance of urban agriculture but also realistic opportunities to participate in this “food revolution".
David Tracey’s Urban Agriculture is a road map to food security, to our reconnecting to the soil and the earth, even in cities, and to reclaiming our humanity as cultivators of community while we cultivate food.
[Urban Agriculture] is an antidote to despair.
Tracey takes urban agriculture beyond just an idea and presents a lifestyle. Tracey’s excitement and passion for urban agriculture is evident in this book. The commentary was personable and the anecdotes give the book better context. It is refreshing to not only read about the importance of urban agriculture but also realistic opportunities to participate in this “food revolution.”